Quality Management 2.0 -
from strictly following protocols to understanding what matters to customers and process innovation by creative employees supported by transformational leaders.

Do you recognize yourself in this?

- You are a quality manager, operations manager, internal auditor or CEO between 35 and 55 years of age.

- You have been fulfilling your role for more than 3 years and know your service organization of 5 to 155 employees inside out.

- You do not like a ticking-the-box mentality in your organization because you strive for perfection and don't like mediocrity.

- You try to create a constructive atmosphere, expect positive contributions of all employees (and management) and foster empathic conversations.

- However, you encounter the opposite: 
--> Employees experience a lack of freedom of thought and action.
--> Employees complain about having to work according to strict protocols that increases a feeling of despair, imprisonment and loss of identity.
--> Employees complain about the internal controls and fear of non-compliance that leads to stress, unnecessary pressure, energy loss and demoralization.
--> Employees complain about hierarchical structures and internal politics that hinders openness in the workplace and the search for solutions.

- You hear and feel that employees want to build a better future, but are hindered by these constraints.

- You hear and feel that employees need more freedom, empowerment and room for personal initiative in the workplace.

- You hear and feel that employees want to actively improve and innovate the quality management system in order to deliver high quality services to customers.

- But you hear and feel that they often lack the support of top management (due to a lack of time, interest or assumed costs).

- You too hate the feeling of being the only one responsible for your organizations' quality management system.

- You desperately wonder how other quality managers and internal auditors manage to confidently and collectively improve the added value of their quality management system.

- You really want to excel as a quality manager and become that inspirational leader who's able to introduce a positive quality culture in his/her organization but you do not know how to achieve this.

Learn to look from a customer perspective and establish/adapt a customer-centric quality management system through the © Glorious Auditor Method!

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(Flemish spoken)

Master Quality Management
Service Organizations

What you can achieve

Change your Perspective on Quality Management!

Change your quality management approach by not just focusing on non-compliance during your internal audits.
No one likes to be pointed out their mistakes!

Such an approach only increases aversion to quality management and internal audits.

If you want to improve internal cooperation and outcomes, first show empathy, try to understand what is really happening in your organization and why, rather than judging based on a familiar set of expectations.

Learn to ask more exploratory questions!

Adopt a beginner's mindset and listen openly, honestly and curiously to your colleagues' explanations!

Examine your organization's current performance together.

Tap into your colleagues' knowledge and expertise. Use their inventiveness and creativity to strive for improvement for your customers.
They know best what customers need to arrive at the best method.

Together, develop a people- and customer-oriented quality management system that does work!

Act with confidence as quality manager and become a better leader!

Our courses

Sky is the limit

Globally oriented

Our training is in Flemish but will be offered in English soon. Our training is designed to provide the skills in a practical approach. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.
Learn to use all the related tools, walk into an organization and be a real rock star from day one. The skills you need to become a real internal quality audit professional. Thrive as a quality improvement specialist!
Instant results

For your career

A quality management system (QMS) is usually created from the documentation and record-keeping requirements of the ISO9001 standard in order to demonstrate compliance with this standard and obtain an ISO9001-certificate. 

This results in the creation of documents and procedures based on the organization's own interpretation of the text of the standard, out of fear of non-compliance, previous negative experiences (mistakes, customer complaints, shortcomings) or expectations of shareholders (profit, low costs) and leads (often with the help of software packages) to the creation of a rigid structure imposed on internal users.

The QMS feels like a straitjacket and allows little creativity. This creates a stifling feeling for the users but provides a rewarding tool for managers to achieve 'law & order' throughout the organization.

However, the intrinsic motivation of today's employee is stimulated by meaningful work, autonomy and mastery, something a traditional QMS does not always provide.

How can executives of an ISO9001-certified organization best meet that sigh of relief from its employees?

By learning to look from a customer perspective and creating conditions for innovation, including culture change, skills and mind-set.

After all, the QMS rarely starts from examining the real problem that customers have and that the organization wants to solve. Too often, the QMS starts from what the organization thinks customers want or need.

Traditionally, companies start with the financial feasibility or viability of a service and then try to find a problem the service fits as a solution after which they market it to try to meet imposed financial goals.

However, in service delivery, the quality of the final product is determined by the quality of the process and system design. Employees have the best knowledge and experience to help create or modify a customer-focused process and system design.

Often - once the QMS is established - the developed work processes are not sufficiently adapted over time to changing customer requirements and expectations. This leads to an inefficient service delivery to customers.

Changing customer requirements necessitate an efficient adaptation of the process and/or system structure.

Therefore, an ISO9001-certified organization must be able to apply the requirements of Management of Change and R&D in a logical way.

What is the best way to do this, without rushing decisions?

Curiosity, daring to experiment with new ideas and action-learning

All these topics are covered in our course "Auditing for Organizational Performance Improvement", based on the Glorious Auditor Method.

Don't hesitate and start your adventure today!

Our course is suited for all quality professionals who are willing to question their way of thinking by being open to unlearn and learn again.

Become a member. Join our community.

Join us now, and ensure a better future for your customers, for your operational staff in your organization and for your organization as a whole. Unlock the value of Internal Quality Auditing in service organizations!
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